The main aim of the International Leadership Research Forum in Early Childhood Education (ILRF – EC) is to provide a learning space to bring together those interested in early childhood leadership research from around the world. In coming together through this Forum, participants can learn from each other through the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and experiences about the work of educational leaders in the early childhood sector. It presents opportunities for members to ask questions, engage in critical reflection and provide constructive feedback. It is anticipated that engaging in collaborative research and writing will enable the generation of new knowledge and understandings about leadership in ECE.


Since its establishment in 2011, members have attempted to meet face-to-face regularly. It is anticipated that these gatherings will include a mix of learning strategies including presentation of current research, development of new international research proposals and opportunities to visit and interact with educational leaders in the host country. These gatherings also provide networking opportunities for novice and experienced ECE leadership researchers to meet and discuss matters of common interest.